Un altra battaglia è vinta!

La polizia francese abbandona Internet Explorer in favore di Mozilla Firefox. Inoltre adotterà Mozilla Thunderbird come client per gestire la posta elettronica. La migrazione toccherà ben settantamila postazioni! Ciò è avvenuto dopo il successo della migrazione dello scorso anno ad OpenOffice.org. Il software OpenSource sembra riscuotere sempre più consensi.

Riporto la notizia originale da forbes .com

LONDON - The Freedom Revolution, you could call it--if you're a politically correct U.S. patriot. Yet it's been a non-violent, bloodless radical change over in France, where the country's police force is renouncing Microsoft's (nasdaq: MSFT - news - people ) Internet Explorer Web browser for the Mozilla Foundation's open source browser Firefox.

We don't know if the gendarmes affectionately refer to the browser as "le renard du feu", yet AFX News quoted the IT director of the force as saying 70,000 desktop computers would be converted to Firefox and its e-mail client Thunderbird because of the navigator's "reliability, security and inter-operability with other state services". The transition, which follows the department's decision to migrate from the Microsoft Office suite of applications to OpenOffice for all of its desktops last year, should be complete by the end of the year, he added.

The wily Firefox navigator has apparently gobbled up nearly 18% of the French Internet browser market, approaching the European average of 20%. This has left blogging wags predicting excellent sales of chairs should the news of Mozilla's success reach Steve Ballmer's ears.

I poliziotti italiani saranno altrettanto intelligenti?

Beh, forse c'arriveranno fra un paio d'anni! :D Cmq l'importante è che c'arrivino, prima o poi... Hi hi hi!