Nokia E51, changelog aggiornamento firmware 300.34.56

Da metà gennaio è disponibile il nuovo firmware del cellulare Nokia E51. Il codice della nuova versione è:

Per conoscere la versione installata basta digitare:


Cercando in rete, si trova anche il changelog delle modifiche. Numerose, come al solito, soprattutto per quanto riguarda la stabilità del software e delle connessioni.

Per chi fosse interessato, riporto quello che dovrebbe essere il changelog (lo si trova anche googlando)

Changelog Nokia E51 300.34.56

* Users can upload and share images to Nokia’s Ovi or 3rd party services. Internet radio
* User can stream Internet radio channels using packet data.
* Mobile search enables user to search on the Internet using popular search engines such as Google or Yahoo. Replaces in- device search. User can also search in device for own content. Improved end user interface. Nokia email service


* BMW and Audi BT carkit support added.

Other changes

* White theme “Dots white” added

Updates, changes and improvements:

* Setup Wizard
* Updated Email set-up Wizard. The Wizard checks the availability of Nokia email service in the country in question. The service is visible only in the countries where service available, otherwise hidden.


* Update to 2.0 version with better user interface and functionality.
* Mail for exchange
* Baseline update to version 2.7.22


* Baseline Update
* Stability fixes
* SIP: Usability correction

Usability improvements

* Bluetooth
* Driver security update
* Improved interoperability with 3rd party Bluetooth accessories
* Stability improvement with headset
* End user experience improvements
* Nokia BH-903 correction

Security corrections

* Messaging
* MMS stability fix

SMS correction

* Calendar / PIM

Contacts correction

* User experience improvement
* Calendar: printing correction
* Office tools
* Team Suite: Chinese PRC layout fix
* Quick Office corrections
* Backup & restore
* Metadata restoration correction
* Performance
* Audio performance improvement
* 3rd party application stability corrections
* Telephony
* Better conference call performance.
* Nokia BH-604 usability correction

A2DP corrections

* Nokia CK-20W correction
* Spool icon correction
* Voice call stability improvement
* WLAN usability correction
* WLAN-SIM interoperability improvement

Stability fixes

* Client that enables the use of Nokia Email service (push email) in the countries where it is available.